Tuesday, 1 March 2011

8 years ago we became Mr & Mrs

8 years!

C3 : How come I was not at the wedding?
I: You were!!!
C3: I am not in the pictures!!
I:You were in my belly!
C3:Oh good!

this kid does not want to miss out! LOL

on a scrappy note
March 1 st challenge is up at
check out what the girls came up with
Just so you know 3 challenges and 3 prizes this month
you have to be in it to win it!!!
(always wanted to say that cheesy line LOl)

Here Josephine is fed up with me taking photos....
No one is safe from my camera!!!


  1. Φανταστικό!!!! Καλημέρα και καλό μήνα Ειρήνη!

  2. beautiful!!!love this..... there is fabulous loving energy surrounding the page and I adore that great technique you have used with the ribbon..hugz x

  3. How gorgeous. The conversation I mean. We have already had those discussions with my 4y.o. Actually it was more of a tantrum from her for not seeing herself in the wedding video..LOL..really cool layout too!

  4. χα χα χα γέλασα πολύ με τον διάλογο!!! Οσο για την σύνθεση είναι εξίσου απολαυστική!!! Beware of Irene's camera!!!!χα χα χα

  5. Με έκανες να χαμογελάσω με την ιστορία του C3, Ειρήνη, σε ευχαριστώ πολύ!!!

    Η σύνθεση σου είναι αριστούργημα, even though I don't fancy brown much, το έχεις αναδείξει τέλεια!!

  6. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! I loveeeeeeeeee that story about being pregnant when you got married....tooooooo cute!! Brookie was my maid of honor...and every time she sees a wedding photo...she reminds me that she was there! LOL!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. And hehehehehehe... look at me... I got caught up in your anniversary...that I forgot to tell you that I loveeeeeeeeeeee that lo!! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee that photo, the misting and loveeeeeeee that trim too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  8. ...Και σας ευχομαι ακόμα τόσα και άλλα τοσα και πολλά ακόμη χρόνια να είστε μαζι και αγαπημένοι!
    The same will happen to me in a couple of years!After this I'll be prepared!:D
    Love the LO! :)

  9. Ειρήνη μου να είστε πάντα ευτυχισμένοι και χαρούμενοι!
    Για τη σύνθεση τι να πω? Τόσα λίγα υλικά και όμως τόσο όμορφο αποτέλεσμα! Μπράβο!
