Stylish blogger of course!!!!
I would like to thank my son,
husband, mother, father,
brother, friends, mailman,
plumber, green grocer,
oh and
how could I forget you????
you gave me
this award
Seriously though thank you Marie
I am honoured you gave me this award
Please pass by her
you will see the most amazing cards!!!
The binding contract that goes with this award is
that I enrich your lives with 7 things about me
then I pass on the award to 7 others to bask in the glory!
1. I want to be reincarnated as a pretty teapot!...
2. I say fabulous way too much...I actually abuse the poor word...
3. My soon to be 8yr old pointed out that I also use too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
(they are obviously teaching something at the expensive fancy private school he attends!!!)
4. I listen to classical music and hard rock
anything in between constitutes as noise thus I need ear plugs
5. I have a diet coke addiction
6. I only love the summer because
I can wear sandals/flipflops and drink diet coke in public
becasue it is too damn HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. I am addicted to pretty paper, glue and paint!!
wow after reading that I realise I am a
barefoot, coke addicted, sex and the city brain washed,
illiterate, glue sniffing,wanna be rock star with paper cuts and teapot issues !!
Do you think I need therapy???
and the award goes to.......
4. Elina mother scrapper....because not only is she a wonderful mum and scrapper she makes drop dead gorgoeus diaper cakes LOL
Phew....now I need some diet coke after all that hard work...