Barbie turns 50 today!!!......pretty amazing I always wanted to own a Barbie doll but never did.....what on earth were my parents thinking at the time??!!???
Anyway.....I am back with a mini I started on the weekend and a little mini that C3 made for me last night...that boy just makes me melt........he told me one day that we will kiss then we will get married!!!!.... it that cute or seriously disturbed?????
My mini is of the kids last summer these were the only pics I could find as I had managed to delete all my pics from May to October 2008 I cried for days as I had some beautiful photos especially of the kids!!
Anyway here it is....the papers are Basic Grey Recess collection and various embellies and rubons....

And here is C3's mini for his mummy.....

I love this one it is a pic of me apparently and I am thinking of love!!!! C3's interpretation...

His latest passion is boats........he calls it the love boat...

The end...his name in Greek in a heart..a rather swollen heart.....

Now to continue my 100 things about me!!...really useful information!!!
21. I love to cross stitch. I learnt how to on the night shift in the special baby care unit.
22. To earn extra cash for my trip to Europe I did extra shifts at Camperdown Children's hospital.
23. I admitted and resuscitated a 24 week old baby boy weighing only 600gr on the night shift. It was the scariest thing I have ever had to do, it grows hairs on your chest.
24. The worst thing I have ever had to witness is the baby of a drug addict going through withdrawl, it's the saddest..infuriating thing to watch (as I could kill these irresponsible women)
25.I have nursed a 500gr or 1/2 a kilo baby girl to perfect health...mother nature is truly amazing.
26.I unfortunately picked up the nasty habit of smoking before leaving for Europe...nurses and doctors are the worst offenders....well they were then.
27.I loved Tokyo, was/is a bright loud city that never sleeps.
28.The best Indian meal I ever had was in Tokyo
29.It goes without saying that the best Sushi I have every had was in Tokyo...
30. The best Chinese meal I have ever had was in Sydney Australia
31.The best Lebanese/Arabic meal I have ever had was in Athens Greece...believe it or not
32.The best Thai meal I have ever had was in Sydney Australia
33. I have backpacked around New Zealand twice...
34. I never slept in my sleeping bag even when backpacking
35.I want to make more time for travel. I am thankful that C3 has the travel bug too......
36.I have taken a helicopter ride over a glacier..
37.I have walked on a glacier @#$%^&* amazing..
38.I have gone whale watching in New Zealand. I was lucky enough to get close enough and see the whale spurting water from his spout then taking his dive back into the sea....
39.The best icecream I have ever had was in New Zealand.
40.I have ridden a horse bare back up a mountain...i cried from the pain for days.....
41. I want to sky dive but I am too afraid thatI might have a heart attack doing it.
42.I hate I mean really hate musicals apart from classics like..the Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory (the original not that crappy Johnny Depp film) and the all time cult musical the Rocky Horror Picture Show
43. I have been to 2 midnight showings of the Rocky horror picture show even though I did not het dressed up I had a blast.
44. I'm a bit of a music snob I prefer to listen to classical music, hard rock heavy metal and sometimes a little funk...
45.The best concerts I have ever been to were back in Sydney the last one was to hear "the New Christs" play in a pub (brilliant Aussie rock band)
46.I went to 3 INXS concerts in a row one after the other...
47.I love Australian Rock
48.The most boring concerts i have ever been to were Sade (I fell asleep at the concert as i had had a very long and tiring day at work..i found her music so boring I feel asleep...I am not kidding).......the second most boring concert was Brian Ferry on his own and so was Sting (on his own come to think of it)
49.I admitt i went to a Wham concert back in the day.....fluorescent wake me up before you go go top and embarrasing
50. i read gone with the wind when i was 14. I sat up until 7 am to finish the book then my mum took to see the film a few days later!!!! ARghhhhhhh
That's it no more hope to get back to you tomorrow with more.....basically my bums gone numb writing all this!!!