did I say MERRY CHRISTMAS???? No.....
Merry Christmas to all I hope you all had a wonderful day....
here are some photos of what we have been up to since I last blogged
below is my challenge layout and beside it the prize I won.....can't wait to use them.

With Christian we made gingerbread men for the kindergarten Xmas play and party

Christian dressed for the Christmas play...the top hat was made by me

We were treated to Bugs Bunny on ice by Noni (Eleni)

The happy godson with his godmother after the show. Here he is sucking away on a bugs bunny lollipop should have thought of buying it before the show to keep him sitting still!!!!!

Pulled out the festive pot for Xmas morning!!! I adore this tea pot

Christian opening his first present...look at that smile

A digital camera sent by his Grandmother in Australia...it was the best present he hasn't stopped taking photos I need to buy him a 1 giga memory card!

A beautiful gift from my inlaws................

Christmas lunch............I pulled out the Rosthchild dinner plates to honour the occasion

In the afternoon Yorgos arrived from Paris and here is Christian playing with his gift....apparently Yorgos waited in line an hour for this helicopter......nearly every parent in Paris wanted this helicopter for their son.....lucky C!!

Here we are enjoying a more relaxed Christmas dinner of French wine (Yorgos kindly packed a few bottles) and cheese......

Christian and his camera....note he is in his pyjamas and he is still taking photos....

I wanted to add these as they were so cute, we had a crafting afternoon and the boys got their hands dirty with paints and stickers and thus the result...very cute.

Well the pics say it all........