(grab a cup of tea as this is a long one)
Only this time I am not not bopping!!
I received this beautiful handmade card from C3
the Green star pops up it is ingenius!!
For 2 weeks now he has been watching me make
fan fold/pleated flowers
for a couple of layouts which I cant just show you yet!!
Anyway he used the same technique to make the card pop!!
(proud mama boasting)

The reason for the card is pictured below!
Yes, I cannot walk!
I was walking with my boyz yesterday
and I slipped on the pavement
I did not fall
but I damaged my ankle trying not to fall
make sense!?!
I am so stressed about this
as I have no help!
remember the drama in September 2009
when hubby fell and broke his pelvis
well I do not have someone to pick up C3 from the school bus
or clean the house
or cook
luckily I work from home!
and have recently been given some extra work!
I digress
let's just say I am stressing because
hubby will have to do a lot of running around
and I hate being dependent
just hate it!!!!!
(ok enough wallowing in my own self pity)
Enough about that.....
here are some more pages from my art journal
due to the ankle....
I could not stand long enough to get a proper picture

this one is my favourite to date
because of the layers and the colours
the stamping....of course the photo does not do it justice

Now this one is also much better in proper lighting
there are many layers on this one.
Ever since embarking on this
I have found that old pattern paper
I was never going to use has come in extremely handy
I just layer gesso over it
either to cover parts up completely
or just a thin layer
so that the original pattern can be seen underneath
and then I work from there
building layers
what can I say girls
very exhilirating!!