So we are taking a road trip
with our final destination being Thessaloniki.
We will be gone 5 days!!
C3's school celebrates it's patron saint Dimitri by closing the school gates
for 3 days of course the national holiday is also in the mix!
So we decided to go away...
we will be these terrible parents that will call in sick on Friday
we have never done it before
I do not believe in playing hooky from school
I am a square geek I know.....
but how could I not................
when we have so much to see and do...
the next couple of days

I cant wait to see all these monuments again,
last time I was in Thessaloniki was in 1992
shame on me I know!!
So Thessaloniki here we come....
I will be taking my puter with me so maybe
I will travel blog
the next few days!

Later...............(in Thessaloniki)