actually I have collected quite a few
but I think this is the best
courtesy of Jojo (thanks sweetie)
where to begin?
I think I will be concise
G and I are entering a new phase in our lives
it's called the having to deal with
elderly parents phase.
What can I say it is very difficult
you may or may not know
but my father in law has Parkinsons Disease
and is 90 yr s of age
my mother-in-law
(would not want you to know her age...
why she refused to tell her doctor! LOL)
is either suffering from the early stages of
Senile Dementia
or quite possibly
Alzheimers Disease.....
yes we have hit the jackpot!!
I am not making light of the situation
but it has been a difficult summer
we attempted to go on holidays twice but each time
we ventured out for more than 3 days
we were called back due to some emergency
granted the last time we went away
C3 and I caught the flu
I think it was from sheer exhaustion or
I was not allowed to rest LOL
just when I was getting used to the idea of sitting by the pool
with a book in my hand (shock horror!)
such a thing is not possible in Athens
C3 makes sure of that...
I digress so there I am lounging by the pool
forbidden book in my hand cool drink by my side
I am off the wagon
my addiction is back with vengeance
I think I now perspire diet coke.....
I did not have to cook
all meals were prepared for
all that was expected off me was to bask in the sun
cool off in the salt water pool
I managed to enjoy the forbidden fruits of
relaxation for 3 days
then C3 woke up with a raging temp and
proceeded to decorate the sheets and towels
with his stomach contents!!!
After I cleaned up
and shovelled all sorts of concoctions
for his temperature down his sweet throat
I passed out on the bed and woke up an hour later with a
So we returned...
I have not been in front of the computer for days
as I have been trying to find help for my mother-in-law
I have been interviewing women for the job
and it is not an easy task
C3 has learnt how to use my computer
my very precocious 7yr old
believes he has every right to fire up my puter
just because he knows how to...
what does he do you ask?
plays online games
(for those who do not know C3
life is all about cars!!)
don't worry under supervision
problem is not matter how long he plays
be it half an hour or one hour or 5 minutes
he is crazy hyped afterwards
it's a nightmare!
wow this is a really long post!
so much for being concise!
I will be back with pics we did manage to do some fun stuff
this summer
despite all the grief and drama