What can I say it was an eventful weekend..... a young couple were united in marriage, another couple's 3rd child became a christian and I ended up with the allmightiest of hangovers in the afternoon!!!!!!
I say eventful because when we woke up on Saturday morning it was not only pouring down with rain there were gloomy skies........I am a little superstitious or I have a sixth sense I do not know you choose....I turned to G and stated that the bride was going to have a bad day...he just laughed.
We arrived at the church completely unprepared for cold weather........we braved the cold and waited for the bride. She was late as is customary.........then fashionably late.......then I need to elevate my feet late they are so swollen late......then where the hell is she??????????.......then is she for real has she dumped the guy???............no folks I did a double check and looked inside the church and noticed that the priest was no where to be found................within seconds I learned that there was no priest he had forgotten to come to the !@^%!#$!%^$ church!!!!!!!! so the poor bride's father went looking for another priest at 2045 on Saturday eve...
No need to tell you the natives were restless and when the new priest arrived he put the sermon into 5th gear and married that couple double quick because the natives were about to head off to the watering hole (reception hall) without seeing the the couple hang themselves (marry) sorry for the western cowboy analogy but the sparkle and glamour that most bride's expect on their wedding day were truly lost on Saturday night..........
We arrived at the reception hall , finally sat at our tables and happily awaited the couple so that we could drink and be merry!
An hour passed before they arrived (I feared they had organised a possie to deal with the errant priest) that was not the case, thankfully we were being attended to by waiters bringing us food and copious amounts of wine which by the way I did not drink.
The poor bride was not smiling............heaven knows what had transpired.
We left very early before we could find out because my first and only born decided to be a humungus pain in the @$# (I couldn't really blame the little tike as he had waited relatively patiently at the church etc.
We woke up to bright blue skies Sunday morning and looked forward to the midday baptism, then on to a birthday party in the late afternoon.

In a nutshell the atmosphere at the baptism was fabulous every one was happy the little man Paul Angelo also celebrated his first birthday so there was a big party and I drank way too many glasses of white wine. The parents wouldn't let us leave they wanted us to stay for the dessert buffet well all I need to tell you is that the sugar rush I got from the wine and sweets that Sunday afternoon gave me the allmightiest of headaches/hangovers.
I couldn't make it to the birthday party neither could the boys they too were exhausted....
So it was an early night for us.........
I need to scrap but I have way too much work on my desk I did manage to make 2 cards for the weekend.........

cards are not my thing but I am pleased with these, the wedding card was much more impressive live the photo does not do it justice.........